Looking for info on how to attach a climbing hold to a plywood wall? Find out here!

just add climbing holds

Already have a climbing wall?

Scroll down to view the hold sets we offer that are great for kids and beginners. These holds are suitable for climbers with no experience and no climbing shoes are required.

Don't have a wall yet? Check out our How To Build a Climbing Wall page to help get you started.

How many holds do you need?

An easy way to determine the minimum amount of holds for your wall is to calculate the area of your wall (in m2 ) and multiply this by 5. Example: Your wall is 3.6m high x 2.4m wide, which is a total area of 8.6m2. Multiply the area x 5, which equals 43. I suggest a minimum of 43 holds.

How to arrange the holds on the wall?

There is no right or wrong way to arrange the holds, but the best practice is to try and space them so the entire wall is covered and climbers can start climbing anywhere on the wall.